Ep.99 Liberte Free to Be

with Karen Sutton

The Widow Coach









*Trigger warning, this episode contains conversation about loss and grieving. 

The conversation around death and losing loved ones is still something we find difficult to talk about.  Karen Sutton, is the UK’s first grief and loss coach to specialise in supporting those widowed early in life. Karen provides emotional and practical support to anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one, wherever you are in your grieving journey. 

Through her own experience with loss, she understands how difficult it is trying to navigate your way through these traumatic life events. That's why she is so passionate about helping you to look after yourself, feel more positive, take back control, and build the life you desire. 

We can’t control what happens to us in life, but we can control how we choose to respond, the choices me make following loss have a huge impact on how we move forward. Karen doesn't profess to have a magic wand or a secret to ‘getting over it’, because she doesn't believe it’s about that. Sadly we have to go through the grieving process, but there are things we can do to help us navigate our way through it more positively and learn to carry our grief far more lightly.

Karen wants to help as many people as she can take responsibility for their healing, discover their strength, resilience and capabilities, and become the person they want to be, therefore creating a life in which they can flourish. 
She truly believes life after loss can still be beautiful.

I love following Karens social media posts as she balances the reality of life after loss with the beauty in being able to grow and learn and thrive again leaving a really strong positive message to others who may be at the beginning of their difficult journey. 

"I just love to offer people hope and an understanding that nothing is permanent. I like to educate around grief and help people feel more empowered in their grieving journey." #karensutton 

Subjects covered- 

  • How her world fell apart in 2016 when she lost her husband Simon, and her children lost their dad. 
  • How she knew she didn't want Simons death to define the rest of hers and her children lives 
  • The importance of reaching out and connecting with others who can relate to your experiences 
  • Therapy and talking 
  • What happens next, where do you turn when you've done all the therapy and reached out to all the groups
  •  Rebuilding your life after loss 
  • Making new choices 
  • Discovering who you are and being kind to yourself along the way
  • Learning, growing and dropping the guilt to live a happy fulfilled life again 
  • Why Karen decided to become the UK's first grief and loss coach  

How you can work with Karen www.karensutton.co.uk 
 Instagram @karensuttonwidowcoach 

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I'll be back next week, so in the meantime, 

Keep being fabulous
Rachel x

(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure

Contact Rachel - rachel@rachelperu.co.uk

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