Ep.100 Liberte Free to Be

Sex, Whips and My Hairy Bits with humorous erotic author

Stephanie Oram










* Adult content of a sexual nature discussed 

What better way to celebrate my 100th episode than with humorous erotic fiction author Stephanie Oram. 

Self published author of the Amazon best selling Wax Whips and my Hairy Bits series of books. A midlife, menopausal northerner with a propensity for using rude words. It's time to find out why this 51 year old, menopausal Mother of three picked changed direction in a way that she could never have imagined pre-lockdown! 

The first lockdown caused Stephanie to undergo the most unusual of career changes...from recruitment to writing erotic comedy. 

Stephanie was all set to go with her new recruitment agency which would have been aimed at the over 50 market when the pandemic started, putting a sudden halt to all those plans. During this time like most she needed a creative outlet, lots of people I know learnt skills or rekindled new hobbies like baking, sewing and crafting. But after reading an extract from one of The Fifty Shades of Grey books Stephanie got to thinking how unrelatable erotic fiction is to most women and how it might be fun to write her own more realistic story just for fun. 

By her own admission Steph describes herself as slightly prudish prior to all of this so after lots of reading up, and chatting to friends she started. What started as a project for her own amusement has now led to a four book series which has landed in the top best selling Amazon list in the humorous erotic category. 

I've read the first book Wax, Whips and My Hairy Bits and found it hilarious and loved the northern humour coming through. 

Subjects covered- 

  • Pre-lockdown plans to start her own recruitment agency 
  • Where the inspiration came from to start writing 
  • Friends and Family response 
  • Where do you begin to research a book like this 
  • Readers response 
  • Literary agents dismissal of this category of writing 
  • Starting something new and all the new possibilities it might bring 
  • What's next? 

Stephanie's books are available from Amazon for Kindle and in paperback https://amzn.to/2Y1C2cC 
You can also connect with Stephanie via LinkedIn-

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I'll be back next week, so in the meantime, 

Keep being fabulous
Rachel x

(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure

Contact Rachel - rachel@rachelperu.co.uk

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