Ep.101 Liberte Free to Be

"A Delightful Little Book of Ageing"

with author Stephanie Raffelock









It's good to be back after the Easter break and I have a bumper season of women to share with you.
Starting with this weeks guest, Stephanie Raffelock.

Stephanie is an award winning, Amazon best selling Author of "A Delightful Little Book on Aging", as well as a Podcaster and Speaker. She didn't start her writing career until she retired at 60 so she's the perfect example of how our age doesn't have to define us.

Stephanie helps self-aware, educated women who are interested in shirking the toxic myths and stereotypes of aging, something that out of the Bubble is very much about too. She proves that women aren’t finished living their best lives at 50, 60 and beyond, but instead, how they become the wise elders of our culture. Stephanie celebrates age and shows how it’s a privilege to grow old - how every single day is a gift.

 “Peter Pan’s mantra was that he was never going to grow up. My mantra is that we never stop growing”

Subjects covered-
Overcoming ageism in ourselves and in America.
Why women especially are afraid of getting older.
Creating joy in the maturer years
Encore careers
The positive ageing movement
Grief-ageing begins in grief
Vision- wiser, deeper soul, wonder for life
Reframe and change the narrative
Your age doesn’t define you

To find out more-
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-raffelock-01b53936/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieRaffelock/
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/byline.stephanie

I have now created a FREE "Step Liberte Free to Be" private Facebook group.

A safe space to share and feel part of a community of women all finding their own way through midlife.
Where you get to hear from amazing women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way.
Encouraging women after 40 to try something new and step out of their own bubble.
A group to share, celebrate wins, encourage and support other members.It's your time to shine! Join here

I'll be back next week, so in the meantime, 

Keep being fabulous
Rachel x

(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure

Contact Rachel - rachel@rachelperu.co.uk

If you could spare a few minutes of your time to leave a review that would be amazing as your words really do matter. The higher up the Apple podcast charts I go the more women I can reach.


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Liberte Free to Be champions women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way. Inspiring others to become more confident in body and mind and spirit.

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