Ep.71 Liberte Free to Be, 

 with business start-up coach

Tara Chatzakis




Tara Chatzakis helps women create positive, fulfilling relationships with themselves, their loved ones, their businesses and clients, and with money. Bringing an abundance of wealth, love, happiness and joy into their lives. Tara offers lots of great advice on how we can overcome those limiting beliefs by understanding that you are always in control of your life, and how using the law of attraction you can visualise a phenomenal future. We are designing our future reality now.  

After spending years, desperate to get off the corporate treadmill and on to her own path Tara tried many paths, training as a T-Tapp Trainer in 2011 and a Law of Attraction Practitioner a few years later. Like lots of women who are trying to figure out their path in life Tara always struggled, not knowing where to start so, often didn’t. Eventually settling on life coaching, and trained as a Robbins Madanes Coach she thought she'd found her calling. Yet, their was still something missing, Tara could see women out there fumbling around just as she had, trying to get enough traction to lift off. So, trusting her instinct Tara shifted again. This time she knew she wanted to empower women to become new entrepreneurs, to step out into the world and make an impact which brings us up to present day. 

Tara is also the host of the Happy Inspired Motivated Podcast 

Subjects covered-

  • Leaving the corporate world behind 
  • Trusting your natural instinct 
  • Exploring your spirituality 
  • Self love and forgiveness 
  • The power of manifestation 
  • Finding your purpose in life 
  • Following your passions 
  • Empowering women 

To find out more from Tara please visit- www.tarachatzakis.com 

I'll be back next week but in the meantime ..... Keeping being fabulous Rachel x 


(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure) 

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Contact Rachel -


If you could spare a few minutes of your time to leave a review that would be amazing as your words really do matter. The higher up the Apple podcast charts I go the more women I can reach.


Come and say hello over on Instagram @rachelperu1 , Twitter @rachel_peru and Facebook @stepoutofthebubble 
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 Keep being fabulous

Rachel x

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