
It's time to meet my wingman Mark Peru

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There's lots going on behind the scenes in my life and as this is the last episode of Series 6 I thought now would be a good time to invite my wingman and husband Mark on the show.

I always wanted to show up as my authentic self on the podcast and share the reality of my life, it's not always as glamorous and easy as the instagram squares leave you to believe. Nobody's is remember!

Subjects covered-

Online dating in your forties
Taking chances and embracing change
Love of travelling
The power of music
Reality of home life- making long distance work
When life throws you curve balls
What Mark thinks of the social media male gaze
Making big life changing decisions
What does retirement really mean - its not the end, just a new chapter
What's next- travel plans
What does Free to be mean to Mark?

"Free to be means having the freedom to do what you want to do''

To follow your dreams, your passions, if you’ve got a hobby that you’re passionate about follow it, do it as much as you can. Don’t let life get in the way."

This is the last episode of the series as I take a short break for the summer. I'll be back in the autumn and already have an amazing line up of guests for you.

Thank you for listening to the Liberté - Free to Be podcast, I hope it’s left you feeling inspired.

If it has, why not join the free Liberte Lifestyle Hub over on Facebook: Liberte Lifestyle Hub With over 300 women, all at different stage of midlife, making new connections and supporting one another.

Don’t forget to come and say hello @libertefreetobe on instagram.
I’d love to know what Free to Be means to you, so please drop me a line to let me know.

If you have enjoyed this the podcast, please don’t forget to like, subscribe, review and share my Socials with your friends, your support really is much appreciated and means so much to me.

I’ll be back in a fortnight with another fabulous guest, but in the meantime,

Keep being fabulous 

Rachel x


Liberte Free to Be Podcasts

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Liberte Free to Be champions women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way. Inspiring others to become more confident in body and mind and spirit.

We all have a story to tell.


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