Ep.108 Liberte Free to Be

Food freedom & learning to love your body again,

with non diet nutrition expert

Mel Wakeman











*Trigger warning- This episode discusses healing and recovering from disordered eating and poor body image.

 I'll be honest after years of yoyo dieting and disordered food habits I've been avoiding this subject on the podcast because I still see so much pressure on women to be a certain size and body shape pushed by the media and advertising.

I've been following this weeks guest for awhile now and I really like her approach to finding food freedom and breaking down those negative thought patterns so I knew I had to invite her on the show.

Mel Wakeman specialises in non-diet nutrition and counselling for eating disorders and disordered eating, chronic dieting, compulsive exercise, weight and body image concerns, all through a weight inclusive lens. She also runs the food freedom community and hosts the podcast Cake Over Keto.

Subjects covered-

  • Mel's story
  • How Mel faced her own food demons
  • The manipulation of the diet industry
  • Breaking down the negative narrative around food and our bodies
  • There is more than one way to have a healthy happy body and it doesn't involve dieting
  • Where do the 'food rules' come from?
  • Learning to appreciate our bodies
  • Why women in midlife are vulnerable to eating disorders
  • What part do our hormones play in midlife and our changing bodies
  • Stigma and discrimination of our bodies in todays society

To find out more from Mel visit-

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I love sharing all these amazing and inspiring women and have learnt so much from all of them, If you enjoy listening to them as much as I do, then please feel free to Buy Me A Coffee I really appreciate your support. 

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A safe space to share and feel part of a community of women all finding their own way through midlife.
Where you get to hear from amazing women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way.
Encouraging women after 40 to try something new and step out of their own bubble.
A group to share, celebrate wins, encourage and support other members.It's your time to shine!

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I'll be back next week, so in the meantime, 

Keep being fabulous
Rachel x

(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure

Contact Rachel - rachel@rachelperu.co.uk

If you could spare a few minutes of your time to leave a review that would be amazing as your words really do matter. The higher up the Apple podcast charts I go the more women I can reach.


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