Ep.104 Liberte Free to Be

Going solo! 52 and Fabulous

with Rachel Peru









To celebrate my 52nd birthday I thought it would be a good idea to go solo this week,  reflecting on the last year and sharing some of my own midlife journey.

I've learnt so much from the 103 women I've interviewed so far and each story brings me so much inspiration and reminds me how fabulous women are. 

  • Here's the top 3 things I'm constantly reminded of
    1. Women over 40 are bloody amazing, we are strong, resilient, brave and capable of living such amazing fulfilled lives. 
    2. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary but it's also the place where real magic can happen. So many of my guests have stepped 'out of their bubble' entering unknown territory and gone on to have amazing adventures, started new careers and changed direction. It's time to put our big knickers on and trust the process.
    3. Keeping an open mind is the key to embracing this next chapter. Saying yes to new opportunities and trying new things, for no other reason than to explore what brings you real joy. It should be part of our self love routine.
  • The menopause and my own body confidence journey
    On this weeks episode I also share how this last year has been a rollercoaster when it came to the menopause and my own body confidence. It will always be work in progress but I can manage the negative feelings so much better than I used to so it's about recognising those triggers and focussing on the positives.
    The surge of anxiety threw me as well , although I've been on HRT since 2018- which helps, I'm now increasing my daily active levels, with a mixture of wild swimming, yoga, running and EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) training and I'm starting to feel a lot calmer and more in control which is a relief. #keepingitreal
  • How I feel in my 50's compared to my 40's
  • Reflections of my own self development and growth
  • Just getting started- sharing my dreams, aspirations and goals for the next year

Don't miss any of the inspiring Liberte Free to Be women, you can go and subscribe at www.rachelperu.co.uk and come and say hello on Instagram! @rachelperu1

I love sharing all these amazing and inspiring women and have learnt so much from all of them, If you enjoy listening to them as much as I do, then please feel free to Buy Me A Coffee I really appreciate your support.


I have now created a FREE "Step Liberte Free to Be" private Facebook group.

A safe space to share and feel part of a community of women all finding their own way through midlife.
Where you get to hear from amazing women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way.
Encouraging women after 40 to try something new and step out of their own bubble.
A group to share, celebrate wins, encourage and support other members.It's your time to shine! Join here

I'll be back next week, so in the meantime, 

Keep being fabulous
Rachel x

(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure

Contact Rachel - rachel@rachelperu.co.uk

If you could spare a few minutes of your time to leave a review that would be amazing as your words really do matter. The higher up the Apple podcast charts I go the more women I can reach.


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#outofthebubblepodcast #stepoutofthebubble #personaljournals #sharingstories #inspiringwomen #celebratingmidlife #womensupportingwomen #whatsstoppingyou #midlifewomen #bodyconfidence 


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Liberte Free to Be champions women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way. Inspiring others to become more confident in body and mind and spirit.

We all have a story to tell.


If you're looking for a safe space to share experiences, challenges and successes with a global community of women finding their own way through midlife, then come and join the group.

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