December 29, 2021

Why I’m saying “NO” to New Year, New You

Let's drop the "New Year, new you" narrative.

I’ve already lost count of how many “join my diet” club invites I’ve had literally since Christmas Day morning along with those “New Year, New You” messages.

How about ...You are enough...just as you are...right now!

After years and years of forcing myself to try every diet going I came to realise that they don’t work for me and my mental well-being.

I need to be happy in my own body and to me that means enjoying my life without the punishing diet mentality. I am healthy, love moving and finding joy in being outdoors and that’s enough for me!

I’m all for growth and people deciding to make changes for themselves but this direct hit straight after Christmas can lead to so many women feeling under pressure to change just because we’re bombarded by adverts telling us we need to. Obviously we all want to be the best version of ourselves , especially as we age but that means something different to every individual. The danger is that post Christmas becomes a weapon for those in the diet industry to prey on those feeling most insecure about their bodies. This can lead to even more negative thoughts about our bodies as we are left feeling inadequate for society standards.

A survey carried out by Second Nature showed that 90% of people give up on their new year diet just 12 days into January, with 83% going on to gain back more weight than they lost, leaving people feeling worse about themselves than when they started.

If you’re struggling with the post Christmas pressure try and focus on the things that keep your head in a good space, protect your boundaries.

Here's a few ideas that might help-

  • Getting outside for a long walk, fresh air and nature always give me a boost
  • Spend time with those friends that always leave you feeling happier
  • Switch off from social media
  • Get lost in a book.
  • Keep a journal
  • Meditation, even just for 10 minutes every morning can really help
  • Focus on the activities that you love
  • Be kind to yourself, we don't have to be self improving every day. It's ok to have a down day and allow it pass.

What works for you?

Just remember “You are enough.. just as you are…right now!” ❤️

#embraceyourbody #youareenough#ditchthedietrules #bodyconfidence#newyearsameawesomeme#midlifewomen #confidenceandcurves#lifeafter50 #fiftyandfabulous#loveyourcurves @bridgemodels ???? @jamesmelia

Rachel Peru model- James Melia photography

You are enough..just as you are..right now

December 28, 2020

Stepping in to 2021 with Moodboards and ditching New Years Resolutions.

Why I won't be setting any New Years resolutions but looking forward to 2021 with mood boards and visualisation.

Ditch the New Years Resolutions

I couldn't believe how many 'join my diet' group invites I've received, since Christmas morning. The pressure from other women seems relentless. We need to change the narrative around the diet culture. When these invites randomly get sent they don't really know the individuals personal experiences or thoughts about their own body. It has the potential to be very damaging for some recipients.

Why is it ok to allow someone else's body insecurities to be pushed on to others?  I have tried every diet going over the years and spent endless January's beating myself up about over indulging. It's a hard habit to break but it's a cycle that we can change and step away from.  I noticed a difference when I started to focus on all the positive things I was enjoying in life. I am fit and healthy,  I love being outdoors exercising and the weighing scales play no part in my self worth.

Looking forward with Mood Boards

Instead of placing unnecessary resolutions on myself I choose to look forward to all the things that I love doing. The challenges I thrive on and the things that I'm passionate about. Creating a mood board reminds me of all my goals and aspirations. It's a much more uplifting and positive way to welcome in the new year.

Visualistaion/Moodboard 2021

It's simple to do. You can create a mood board using cut outs from magazines, look for things that inspire you and words that resonate with you. This year I'm going to step out of my own way , I've been doing a lot of self-development work with the amazing Dani Wallace.

My office mood board carries words like " Make it Happen" and "What you put in to life is what you get out of it". I've also included images of inspiration and reminders. It may sound corny but placing this somewhere that you see it every day really can make a difference. I find it very therapeutic creating them and it really helps to clarify my goals for 2021. I have big plans to achieve next year including finishing my book and seeing it published. Some of my aspirations may seem too big right now but I'm a firm believer that if you don't put it out there the you will never get it.

If you're more of a digital person why not create a mood board screen saver, I used Pinterest and Canva to create this one and it I like the idea that I can keep adding to it and change things around as the year goes on.

It's always good to look back and reflect on the year that's gone and see which parts of your visualisation and mood board came true. You might be surprised! Dream big!

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